Juvenile Crimes

An Orange County Defense Attorney Determined to Give Juveniles Accused of Crimes a Fighting Chance

It is gut-wrenching when you or your child gets accused of a crime. Their entire future can depend on this one pivotal moment in time. If the juvenile is convicted of a crime, it can be detrimental to their education and future employment as they will now have a criminal record. Businesses and schools might reject them without proof of proper rehabilitation.

It is sad that in the state of California, the courts would rather focus on punishment rather than rehabilitation. For that reason alone, the juvenile being charged needs a juvenile crimes defense attorney that understands the juvenile court system as it differs from the court system for adults.

Attorney Michael Marley of Marley Law Firm is a specialized Juvenile Crimes Defense Attorney that embodies the tenacity to get the results you need. Marley is known for the aggressive, zealous representation of his clients at every stage of the case. For a free consultation, simply fill out a form on our Contact Page or call us at (949) 726-6000.

The Most Common Juvenile Crimes

Although juveniles can commit any crime an adult can, there are some differences in which offenses are the most common. Marley Law is deeply experienced with the following juvenile crimes due to their commonality:

  • Underage Drinking
  • Drug Offenses
  • Shoplifting
  • Theft-related Crimes
  • Vandalism
  • Sex Crimes

Each crime can have different levels of severity based on multiple offenses, attitudes, and specific details of the crime allegedly committed. How we determine to defend your case all depends on those factors as each case is different.

The common crimes listed above are all typically charged as juvenile offenses. Only in the most extreme cases can a juvenile be tried as an adult. For heinous crimes like murder, rape, arson, robbery, and assault, the court can decide to waive the classification of being juvenile.

Your Future is in Jeopardy!

If you or your child has committed any form of juvenile crime, it is of the utmost importance that you contact Marley Law before a conviction tarnishes the juvenile’s record. We will deploy our case-winning defense strategies to give you the results you need.

Call (949) 726-6000 to speak with one of our professionals and schedule a free consultation to properly assess the situation. Michael Marley is a well-seasoned defense attorney that does not quit on you.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.

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